Born From My Heart

On September 1, 2019, an eight-year-long project came to fruition.

Born From My H…
A Real Open Adoptio…
By Gabrielle LaFrank
Photo book

I’ve had the idea to write about adoption for as long as I can remember, but I had never found an opportunity to do so. This is why I chose to self-publish. Knowing I had full control of the process allowed me the time to write, re-write, and re-write again until I had a story that was both uplifting and honest (authenticity is one of my priorities in all I do and create).

I crossed paths with the illustrator of Born From My Heart as if by magic. I saw immediately that her artistic style had the same vibrancy as I hoped my story did; in the end, her pictures brought my words to life more naturally than I could’ve imagined. You can check out more of Abby’s incredible art here––I highly recommend it.

Abby’s Instagram: @abbyroseheartworks Fine Art: @abby_rose_heartworks

You can preview or purchase a copy of Born From My Heart on my author page at Blurb (aka here!) As of more recently, the book is also available online at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

I could never have completed this project without the ongoing support and encouragement of my family, friends, and donors. Many thanks to you all.



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